Be a Happy Company (event for companies)
Kurz teď nemá vypsaný termín
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In the Prague jungle job market, companies are focusing more and more to reduce employee churn and costs with recruiting. Besides these efforts we strongly believe that every company should look at employee happiness and engagement as two very important factors in employee retention.
Based on latest industry studies that clearly state corporate entities are constantly failing at successfully making ,their employees happy, we would be happy to show you our method.
The workshop will show what are the cost-free employee engagement tools at your disposal in order for you to be able to try implement our method the very next day and monitor the change asap.
We will talk about:
- gamification
- out of the box employee benefits
- best cases examples
Who is it for:
- any HR professional in any company
- any Project Manager, Team Leader, Department Manager or any other professionals that are leading teams, coaching and motivating people
- any company that feels their employees have lost engagement (escalating number of medial leaves, no reason absenteeism and constantly missing deadlines and targets should be the first indicators)
Join us in PORT Coworking Karlin on the two specified dates. We would love to meet you and help you build a positive and happy culture in your company because no client will ever love your company if your employees don't.
Don’t loose any more days to procrastination! Join us on this journey to build happier days at work!
Thank you for investing your time.
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