Write Like A Native English Speaker (2-day company group course)

Tom Czaban
I am from the UK, but I live in the Czech Republic, where I combine my two passions - writing and teaching. I am the author of 'Write Like A Native English Více o lektorovi »

Kurz je individuální
Poznámka k termínu
This is a two day company course.
Duration in one day is 7-8 hours, including one hour for lunch. The actual learning time is 14 -16 hours.
The maximum number of participants is 6. In the case of a lower number of participants, it is possible to agree on a price.
The course is available to small teams of staff, and can be tailored to their specific needs (for example, if they only write e-mail we can focus specifically on this)
The course will take place at your offices, and is available throughout the Czech Republic.
If you are interested in an individual course (one-on-one) or wish to put your own group together, please contact me to discuss.
Learning how to write well in English rarely receives as much attention as speaking and listening.
The assumption is that if you can speak and understand your new language it should be easy for you to write.
But this is rarely the case.
The writing you produce is a combination of the good and bad habits you've picked up along your English language journey.
Mistakes that can be hidden or overlooked in speech become glaring when written down.
Your patchwork of knowledge is why your writing exposes you as a non-native.
Maybe you've resolved to improve your English writing before, but gave up due to the magnitude of the task.
Perhaps you have attempted to develop your writing, but saw minimal improvements given the time you put in.
Either way, you've decided you will never write like an English native.
I'm here to tell you that improving your English writing only seems so difficult because your focussing on tiny details.
In my workshops I propose a new approach.
You will clarify the key principles and erase the bad habits you have accumulated.
You needn't learn the mechanics of the language all over again.
I'm not going to re-teach you frustrating grammar rules.
Instead I will provide simple tools to instantly improve your writing - without the hassle of reading long textbooks on English grammar and style.
You'll soon realize that writing clearly and impressively is far easier than you thought.
You'll no longer feel stressed out every time you write an email.
You won't have to agonize over each section of your cover letter.
And you'll approach English exams with more than a pen in your hand and panic in your heart.
How can I say this with such confidence?
Well, I've been a student of writing for as long as I can remember.
I've read a hell of a lot of books aimed at teaching people how to write.
Through trial and error I have discovered what works and what doesn't.
I've used my experience in the discipline to support my roles as a reporter, scriptwriter, copywriter and editor.
For the past ten years I have taught these techniques to university students overseas.
Having corrected thousands of written assignments I know the areas in which foreigners make mistakes.
This knowledge formed the basis of Write Like A Native English Speaker.
The workshops are based on the methods in that book.
My guiding principle is that English writing is highly adaptable.
Yes, there are rules, but there is also opportunity to make choices—and that’s where the confusion begins.
By making these decisions for you and showing you the easiest methods, I have simplified the process of writing for non-natives.
So shake off those negative thoughts about it being impossible to write like an English native.
In my workshops we’ll make it possible in next to no time.
Who can take a workshop?
The workshops are available to teams of staff (maximum of eight employees).
How long does the workshop last?
Two days. This sounds short, but with my exercises it's ample time to turn you into a confident English writer.
Where do the workshops take place?
I can visit your premises (regardless of where you are in the Czech Republic).
Are the workshops tailored to each group?
Yes and no.
First we need to cover some general writing principles, then I adjust the content according to your level and requirements.
For example your team might need to focus on e-mail writing. In this case, we would begin with the key principles and spend the remainder on e-mails - putting the theory into practice.
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