Top 3 Korean recipes you can cook every day

U michelského mlyna, Praha (mapa)

Kurz je individuální

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Poznámka k termínu

Pro konání kurzu ve vámi vybraném termínu zvolte tuto variantu, jsme velmi flexibilní. Termín je určen pro 1-2 účastníky. Děkujeme!

You will learn and taste: 

  • Soup: Korean miso soup (deonjang-jjigae[된장찌개]) or  Beef seaweed soup[미역국]
  • Main dish: Spicy stir-fry chicken or pork [닭갈비/제육볶음]
  • Side dishes: homemade kimchi, mandu dumplings, mixed rice 
  • Dessert: Sweet pancake [호떡] 
  • Drinks: Somaek (Korean Soju+Beer), Makgeoli (Korean sparkling rice wine)

The menu is only a proposal. Dishes such as octopus jjugumi bokkeum, japche, kimchi-jiggae, jjajangbap or kimbab are also possible. 

Let me also teach you about essential Korean ingredients and where to get them in Prague🙂

The cooking lesson will last 2.5-3 hours including introduction, cooking, tasting & drinking.

The workshop takes place at my home, and since there is only one stove, each class is only for two participants. You can either book the whole class with your partner/friend/parent/kid/grandparent/... or sign up individually. 

Basic English is recommended, but my partner can help translating while washing dishes/cleaning mess after us😃

Looking forward to meeting you! 

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