Practice Yoga with Certified Therapist Jay
Jaehee Lee
Hello. I am Jay (Jaehee Lee) and I'm a yoga therapist currently residing in Prague. I graduated SVYASA Yoga University in Bangalore, India, and JAI Yoga Více o lektorovi »
Kurz je individuální
Poznámka k termínu
Evening individual course for only 1 person.
Practice Yoga with Jay, SVYASA Yoga University graduate. Class is designed with vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, meditation and yogic breathing. The practices will help you to improve not only physical but also mental health.
Ahoj, Hello! I'm Jay
- I was born in Korea, but I live and practice in Prague
- I graduated SVYASA, India's top Yoga University
- I graduated JAI Yoga Institute in Seoul, Korea
- I love traveling around the world and all sports
- I speak Korean, English and little bit Czech :)
Who Is My Class For
- Those who have stress and tension
- Female before and after childbirth
- Ones who need correction of posture
- Ones who want to keep fit-body
The course is good for beginners as well as advanced students. Beginners will learn basics of yoga and elementary asanas (postures). Advanced students will learn deepen their knowledge of yoga and yoga's theory.
How Is The Class Organized
- The class takes 1 hour
- Class combines yoga, meditation and breathing
- Repeating class will help you to strengthen health, clear brain, ease your mind
- The class is based on Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)
How To Prepare For Class
- No special preparation is necessary
- Only prepare comfortable clothes and yoga mat
- If you don't have yoga mat, please contact me
Have Any Questions?
Please send me a message on my Facebook page. I will try to reply as soon as possible.
Enjoy your day, Jay
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