Mafia: truths and myths

Carmine Rodi Falanga

Born in Italy in 1977, after taking a master degree in Business Administration, I decided I would never work in a business. So far, it worked. Instead, I have Více o lektorovi »

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The workshop comes from my 10+ years of experience working as a journalist, trainer and lecturer in Italy with different international groups and will combine media, videos, articles and a presentation.

It will be in English (I speak a little bit of Czech).

Do you want to know more about the brutal - and yet fascinating - history of the Italian organised crime? Then this seminar might be for you. Be warned though: the facts, images and stories described can be quite disturbing.

Understanding how Mafias developed in Italy, it is possible to understand the rise (and hopefully the fall) of organised criminal and terrorist groups from all over the world. 

Giovanni Falcone said: "Mafia is a human phenomenon, and as every human phenomenon it had a beginning, and it will have an end". 



"The word Mafia was born in Italy, and then all the world adopted it" (V. Putin, 2006).

It's a provocative statement, but holds something fundamentally true. Why is that? Why are the Italian mafias – plural – so unique, and so perversely fascinating?
Part of the answer is: "Hollywood" (Vito Corleone sounds familiar maybe?), and media power. But there is much more.

(2nd edition) In this 3-hours seminar we are going to explore the origins of the Italian most famous criminal organisations, the regional differences, their development and longevity through the years, and how they are now expanding on the global markets ("Mafia Inc."), in Europe and beyond. 

We will also discuss the seducing power of the evil, and what are the mechanisms that make it so attractive; and will study stories of real-world heros and villains, to try and understand what role citizens and organisations can play in this apparently huge game. 

The seminar will be in English, with Czech translation if requested by participants.

Participants can expect: objective information, fact-based description, awareness raising, first-hand stories, examples from news, famous movies, videogames.

Participants shouldn't expect: to get ambushed by gangsters trying to take control of the city. At least not this time. 


You will also meet the first Italian trainer on Naucmese ( = me), and practice your English in a fun and interactive way.

I use storytelling and games in education as a full time freelancer since 2004 and am active in Italy and Europe.   


v češtině:

"Pojem „Mafie“ vznikl v Itálii, a odtud jej pak převzal celý svět" (V.Putin, 2006)
Je to provokativní názor, ale ve své podstatě pravdivý. Proč tomu tak je? Proč jsou italské mafie (mafie v množném čísle) tak jedinečné, tak fascinující?
Část odpovědi je "Hollywood" (Vito Corleone zní možná povědomě?), síla médií a toho, jak nám mafii prezentují. Ale skrývá se za tím mnohem více.

V tomto 3-hodinovém semináři prozkoumáme počátky nejznámějších italských kriminálních organzací, rozdíly mezi jednotlivými regiony, jejich vývoj během let, a jejich současnou globální expanzi ("Mafia Inc.").

Pobavíme se o tom, proč je zlo tak lákavé a svůdné, co činí mafii tak atraktivní, a podíváme se na příběhy skutečných hrdinl a zločinců, a na roli běžných lidí a organizací v této obrovské hře.

Seminář bude v angličtině, s možným českým překladem.



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