Flawless English

Kurz teď nemá vypsaný termín

Nech nám svůj e-mail – dáš tak lektorovi podnět k vypsání nového termínu. Jakmile jej vypíše, dáme ti obratem vědět.

Do you often worry about the mistakes you make when speaking English to your friends, colleagues or customers? Do you feel you should study more often but you don’t have the time or the energy? Together, we can turn your Czenglish into English in just a few hours!

Speaking a language well does not always mean remembering thousands of new words and phrases. You can improve the current state of your English just by avoiding the usual culprits, especially in these three areas:

  • Pronunciation (word stress and change of meaning)
  • Grammar (Can you explain me?!)
  • Vocabulary (A very actual topic?!)

The workshop will help you to:

  1. Realize you are not the only person who makes mistakes in English.
  2. Become aware of your mistakes.
  3. Speak a better version of your English.

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