Valentin Heathcote
Na Naučmese od 8. 2. 2023.
Cannabis plants can grow in any climate and on almost any soil. They grow best in climates with very dry summers, so if you live in a humid or coastal region, you may have trouble growing cannabis plants. Cannabis has been bred to grow in different shapes and sizes in order to be best suited to different climates. The plants must be allowed to grow for at least 60 days, or four months, to get a marijuana plant’s optimal THC and CBD levels.
Cannabis farmers select seeds that will yield the highest THC and CBD levels. These high THC and CBD levels mean that more of the THC and CBD will get extracted out of the cannabis plant. As marijuana has become more widespread, farmers are now able to grow cannabis seeds with extremely high CBD and THC levels. However, this means that the plants will contain a large amount of THC and less CBD.
Some cannabis growers have discovered that different cannabis strains can grow differently. For example, an Indica strain of marijuana will produce more THC than a Sativa strain.
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