Tony Achmat
Na Naučmese od 17. 10. 2013, vedl/a kurzy pro 3 účastníky.
Apart from being a Vietnam veteran, Tony has lived and worked in many countries throughout the world including The Czech Republic and is originally from Australia. Professional communications became a maxim for Tony in the early 1970’s after winning an international speech contest and combined with owning and managing a large landscaping firm in Australia he focused on Soft Skills Training and Management Coaching. Over the past 20 years, Tony has enjoyed success throughout Europe delivering training, coaching and motivational speeches to firms for kickoffs and competing in speech contests. He enjoys the respect of many CEO’s and continually seeks improvements to his trainings and coachings.
Specialties:Apart from developing people to lead in the future, other areas of specialization are management coaching, sales and personal presentations, customer care programs, leadership, effective communication, effective negotiations, stress management and motivation.