Storytelling in English: Level I

Veronika Löw

Překladatelka, tlumočnice, jazyková mentorka a autorka příběhů pro děti a mládež. Středobodem mé práce je rozdávat radost z nových znalostí a dovedností, Více o lektorovi »

Kurz teď nemá vypsaný termín

Nech nám svůj e-mail – dáš tak lektorovi podnět k vypsání nového termínu. Jakmile jej vypíše, dáme ti obratem vědět.

Step out of your comfort zone to master your storytelling skills regardless of language boundaries!

We all know the power of stories: they help us learn and remember things, make us laugh, wonder and thrill, and foster our imagination.

But telling them can make many of us feel like a cat on hot bricks, especially in a foreign language! Whether you are a born entertainer or rather keep a low profile, English pushes the envelope.

While mastering all those pitfalls of vocabulary, grammar and tricky pronunciation takes practice, a few hacks and a bit of encouraging feedback can come in really handy!

Who is the workshop for?

This workshop will be the right match for you if:

  • You love stories
  • You wish to improve your speaking and storytelling skills in English
  • You feel somewhat insecure if you have to give a longer monologue or presentation in English
  • You are excited about fun and interactive ways of learning foreign languages
  • English is not your mother tongue but you understand this text with no or just a little help from the translator.

What can you expect?

  • 3 hours of casual learning and fun in a picnic style!
  • Storytelling excercises and hands-on speaking practice
  • Tips on how to open and build a story and create a strong punchline
  • Supportive environment with personalized feedback
  • An easygoing teacher who believes speaking a language should not be a stressful but enjoyable activity
  • Small refreshments (Did I say a “picnic”? So I’ll keep my word!).

How can storytelling skills help you in life?

  • Public presentations: Whenever you have to speak out loud and make a professional impression
  • Company meetings: When you wish your voice to be heard
  • Casual talks with friends: Who doesn’t enjoy a company of a great storyteller?
  • Boosting your confidence while speaking English: Knowing that language is not the limit feels powerful.
  • Fluency and pronunciation: The more you speak, the more natural you will sound.

Practical info

In summer months, if the weather allows, the workshop takes place outside in Kinskeho zahrada, Prague; In case of bad weather we’ll take shelter in Komunitní prostor Smíchov at Santoška (close to Anděl metro station). All the necessary details will be sent to you by e-mail 2-3 days in advance.

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