How to protect your assets using a Czech Trust
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During workshop you will get detailed information about Trusts in Czech Republic.
You will get detailed information about:
- What is Trust?
- What are advantages and disadvantages of Trust?
- Who is who at Trust?
- When can Trust help you?
- What kind of Assets can be protected by Trust?
Trusts protect wealth because the property in the trust doesn’t belong to anybody, and it can’t be claimed as someone’s personal assets. You can still make use of your home, control your company, or drive your car but once those assets are protected in a trust, nobody needs to know you own them.
This is because, in publicly available registries, records simply show that certain properties or corporations are owned by a trust.
The Trade Registry, for instance, shows a list of trusts. The public can only see information about the name of the trust and who is the Trustee. No information about the founder, beneficiary, or assets is made public. This information is disclosed only to the authorities and the courts.
The wealth that is held in trust is still subject to taxation (in case of profit made) at a corporate income tax rate of 21 percent. If there is a property managed by the trust, there is property tax.
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