Excel in Excel - Individual course (in English)

Jan Vaněk

Mým velkým snem vždycky bylo být učitelem. Život mě ale zavál trochu jinam a teď pracuju jako finanční analytik v technologické společnosti.  Velkou část mé Více o lektorovi »

Jan Vaněk

Mým velkým snem vždycky bylo být učitelem. Život mě ale zavál trochu jinam a teď pracuju jako finanční analytik v technologické společnosti.  Velkou část mé Více o lektorovi »

to be specified, Praha (mapa)

Kurz je individuální

Kurzu se již zúčastnili

Nevyhovuje ti vypsaný termín?

Nech nám svůj e-mail – dáme ti obratem vědět, jakmile lektor vypíše další nové termíny.

This is an individual course for English-speaking clients.

The structure of the course can be individually build based on your specific demand. In case you would like to have standard “Excel in Excel” journey, we can stick to the 3-course structure (described in detail below).

If your level of experience and needs are different, we can select the topics you would be interested in together. In case you would like to focus on a topic, which is not listed below, be not afraid, there are more things I have experience with in Excel ;) 

Standard donation is approx. 1 hour per topic and this course is planned for 4 hours (but can be adjusted if needed).

Please feel free to contact me so we can plan the course to be the best fit for you ;)


Standard trainings and topics:

Excel in Excel 1 - Beginning

  • Excel interface description, navigation, and formatting
  • Cell Address, Foundations for calculations and basic mathematical functions (COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN)
  • Filter and Sort functions; Grouping and Subtotal
  • Efficient navigation in large tables, freezing panes and print view adjustment.

Excel in Excel 2 – Becoming the Excel Hero

  • Graphs and charts
  • Mathematical functions follow-up (SUBTOTAL, SUMPRODUCT)
  • Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)
  • Function IF and various applications (IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, IFERROR)

Excel in Excel 3 – One step ahead the others

  • Conditional formatting
  • Data validation and protection of locked cells
  • Functions to work with Text (LEFT/RIGHT/MID, LOWER/UPPER/PROPER, LEN, TRIM; CONCAT; Text to Columns functionality)


All topics are explained on practical examples and I include exercises for you to try it out.


When and where?

I live in Prague, and I can adjust the time based on your availability. I usually do the courses in some cozy Caffee or co-working space, but we can adjust and deliver the course directly in your workplace.

What’s needed?

You will need just your laptop with MS Excel installed, maybe notepad and pen if you would like to write something down. I will share the Workbook and PDF summary before the course.

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