Do you really want to change?

Kurz teď nemá vypsaný termín

Nech nám svůj e-mail – dáš tak lektorovi podnět k vypsání nového termínu. Jakmile jej vypíše, dáme ti obratem vědět.

Are you making resolutions, but never stick to them? Do you lack the motivation to exercise? Do you want to change your habits?

The beginning of the year is for many people the perfect opportunity to start new routines and set new goals. Whether you want to find a new job, lose weight, save more money, or eat healthier, sticking to your goals might be hard.

This meet is for everybody who wants to learn how to achieve their goals. The meeting will be informal and at one of the cafés in the center of Brno, the precise location will be determined based on the number of participants. A few of us (not more than 5) will meet and talk about your life goals, what motivates you, and how to use the power of it to achieve anything you want. We will talk about how we make decisions, why our goals are significant for us personally, and what can we do to achieve them. You will learn what processes happen in your brain when during this process, and how to use it in the best way.


Who is this meet for?

  • you want to grow, but you don't know how to
  • you want to learn new skills
  • you want to create wholesome habits
  • you want to set good goals

What is the benefit for you?

  • you will take home a resolution scheme that you will draw during the meetup
  • you will achieve your goals
  • you will learn more about your life goals and motivation
  • you will have more fun while achieving your goals

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