Community Empowerment Yoga

Aleks Nikolic
I’m teaching yoga, writing about my inner journey, society, and life learnings while traveling the world with my soulmate Adam. I grow up in Switzerland, have Více o lektorovi »

Kurz teď nemá vypsaný termín
Nech nám svůj e-mail – dáš tak lektorovi podnět k vypsání nového termínu. Jakmile jej vypíše, dáme ti obratem vědět.
Kurz již navštívilo 18 spokojených účastníků. Prohlédni si zpětnou vazbu ⇣
My dear yogis in Prague I'm inviting you to a free Community Class at the Letna Park - afterward we'll have a little picknick (please keep it plastic free - more tips here) for everyone who wants to stay longer and enjoy the summer night.
What is Empowerment Yoga?
In this class, you can let go of what you thought yoga is. Empowerment Yoga is a slow-paced but powerful Hatha flow - a way to experience your inner strength and to connect to your intuition. You’ll open your heart, learn to enjoy the fire aka not so pleasant moments, flow with life and even have fun!
We practice altogether in a circle, some asanas we do even together. It’s all about encouraging you to not be afraid to share and connect with others, since we’re all in the same boat but also learn how to find focus and calmness inside of yourself without being distracted by outer circumstances.
- Please bring a yoga mat - if you have two, let me know, so maybe someone else could have it. :) #karmayoga
- I'll announce the exact meeting point before the class.
- And bring a friend or stranger ;)
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I was suprised, didnt expect the yoga experience to go this direction. It felt nice and quite out of my comfort zone too, to open up (in poses or while speaking) to complete strangers. But i liked the push. Went home relaxed and with a light heart.
The lecture was fun and carefree but meaningful at the same time. The athmosphere in the goup felt relaxed due to Aleks.
Zacvičil jsem si v pohodě a odnesl si pár nových pocitů. Fajn lidičky celkově.
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