Be happy - Be more aggressive

Aleksandra Samardžiev
Hello! I was born and raised in Serbia, where I studied psychology and started my career in psychotherapy 6 years ago. I was working with young adults and Více o lektorovi »

Kurz teď nemá vypsaný termín
Nech nám svůj e-mail – dáš tak lektorovi podnět k vypsání nového termínu. Jakmile jej vypíše, dáme ti obratem vědět.
Do you constantly go with the flow and never complain? It's time to discover and show your inner force, and use it for your own goals.
The workshop is available for 4 people. Working in a smaller group will allow us to
experience change more deeply. We will work in pairs, in a form of assisted exploration
during which we will get familiar with parts of us that define what we want, how to get
what we want and our (wrong) ideas about who we are. The work will be intense but
After these exercises, you will be more aware of your emotions, thoughts, and patterns
of expressing healthy aggression. Knowing more about yourself will allow you to
embrace your life with confidence and bravery.
Who is this workshop for?
- You can't say no
- You always put other people first
- You feel that you need to please everybody
- You want to improve your confidence
What will you learn?
- How to express healthy aggression
- How to stand your ground
- Improve self-confidence
- Stop feeling anxious in conflict situations
- Set healthy boundaries
- Solve harmful patterns of behavior, and thoughts
- How to stand up for yourself
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