Be Happy at Work (event for employees)
Bogdan Papara-Popescu
Creating an abundance of ideas in curious people. Experienced trainer and consultant delivering open public seminars on different subjects as happiness and joy, Více o lektorovi »
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Feel empowered by our recipe for happier days in the office and take immediate responsibility for your own fulfillment. This inspirational workshop will help you find what your strengths are and how to use those strengths in your everyday routine so you can get a better idea of what your dream job could look like.
In this interactive and engaging workshop you will learn practical ways to:
- find your talents, gifts and how to use them
- build and cultivate positive mindset
- develop tools to raise self-worth and strengthen self-belief
- engage the work day in a more effective way
- learn the connection between using your strengths and happiness at work
Who is it for?
- anyone that is still searching for their “one true calling”
- anyone that wants to work more collaboratively and effectively
- anyone that needs a self-belief boost
- anyone that wants to share, learn and interact with other interesting people
According to the science of positive psychology people that are happy at work tend to be happy in life outside work as well and tend to have a positive impact on their organizations as well.
At the end of the workshop you will find yourself in a position to take actions that will lead to a greater workplace happiness based on your talents.
Don’t loose any more days to procrastination! Join us on this journey to build happier days at work!
Bogdan Papara-Popescu with 10 years of corporate training, coaching and public speaking, is all about helping others achieve their dreams.
Veronika Parakova with over 5 years in HR in different agencies and internal HR department, is all about helping people be better and happier at their work. Currently pursuing this mission as CEO @ Splendid JOB.
Workshop will be presented in English.
Thank you for investing your time.
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